Friday, February 04, 2005

How life seems to stand still

There are occasions in one’s life where life just seems to stand still. The world can be moving at breakneck speed and when you take time to look up you realise that it’s suddenly a whole month further forward than it was the last time you stopped to take a breath.

That’s how I feel at the moment.

There’s a part of me that loves this feeling, the focus of my mind on a single project or outcome. Another part of me dislikes it, passionately. I don’t like the ignoring of friends for weeks on end; the fact that there is never enough time to do the simple things in life, such as shopping, sex, food; the way in which I can be so insular for days at a time.

The upshot of this post is… I haven’t written a thing. Not one single word.

I have been extremely creative, that’s not being questioned. I just haven’t managed to move one word on with my personal work, to work out the next path for my characters, who at one time were like friends I saw daily, like family that I lived with constantly. Now, they are ghosts.

Which brings me on to a book I am reading: Ghostwritten.

A first-time novel, it is glorious. Get out there to Amazon and read it:

David Mitchell, the author, makes a stunning debut on to the literary scene. It will come as no surprise to discover that he has written more. This one was published in 2000, although I have only recently come across it.

As I don’t have anything for you, this will keep you going until I get around to writing some new material.

purplesimon out…

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