Monday, January 09, 2006

Running Around On A Beach In Winter

The coastline is forever shifting.
Tomorrow is will be different once again.
Nothing will be left to show
we were here, how we danced, laughed, lived. And died.

Remember: the wind whipped; dressed in leather it was,
barking orders to us that we
chose to ignore. We turned our backs,
leant toward each other to stay warm and
accepted each others’ hot breath into
lungs burning with the cold.

Laughter snatched from lips and carried
to distant lands where it would never be understood. The bottom of our clothes
dragging through the salt. White crusts on hems.
Our eyes black pits; our skin red raw
like the plucked turkey skin from the days just gone.

One year on, our tears are the only evidence that we ever existed.


purplesime said...

Just a little something I wrote having read this post on Gina's site.

I then read an account of how things have moved on since the tsunami on 26 December 2004.

This is combination of what I felt, put into words.

purplesime said...

Gina B is a huge inspiration for me. I owe her loads.

Anyone else visiting this blog: do yourself a favour and pop along to Gina's blog - it's sure to inspire.

purplesimon out...

p.s. word verification = fropp. Nice!

Chris said...

Damn. Not just poetry, but good poetry.

Your talents are many and varied. :)

ing said...


I'm always scoping out ginab's blog and I saw your mention of Sufjan. I just saw him last summer, doing his Illinoise thang. Sweatpants and pom-poms. Very pretty.