Wednesday, May 16, 2007

A Little Something Revisited

It was at the supermarket that Nathan first met Jon. He was Nathan’s manager. Squat body with bandy legs and chest hair that seemed to grow to his chin. No front teeth. Lost them to a lamppost that jumped him late one night. Bloodied his nose. He let Nathan look at the small white shards of tooth that poked from his swollen gums. Nathan recalled Jon’s meaty hands on his shoulders as he tilted his head back away from him; if Nathan hadn’t known him well he might have thought Jon had done it so he didn’t have to smell the stale cigarettes and last night’s beer on his breath.
Afterwards Jon had given Nathan a dressing down for wearing black shoes with his brown uniform. He made sure Nathan knew the difference between being friend and being boss.

On Saturday nights, once the supermarket had closed, a group of workers from the supermarket all piled to the pub, a shallow building looming over the graves in the local cemetery, it’s yellow lights throwing a malevolent glow across the tombstone-lined paths. Occasionally, someone – usually Jon – would run ahead and hide, jump out with banshee shouts to scare us. Once, he confessed to Nathan, pressing up uncomfortably against him at the bar, that he’d made a girl piss her pants doing that trick. Nathan excused himself and took his drink over to the flashing lights of the fruit machine, his free hand tapping the shrapnel in his trouser pocket.
Even though he wasn’t legally allowed to drink by two or so years, someone always slipped a double shot of vodka into Nathan’s cola. Often it was Jon buying the drinks, his gappy mouth and damaged gums grimacing as he called Nathan’s name.
Sundays, Nathan would have to sleep late to get rid of the dull ache in his head. Jon would like to ask how debilitated Nathan had been on Sundays. It’s not as if Nathan had to get to church, it was something he could handle.
Jon told him it was part of growing up. Like losing your teeth.


purplesime said...

Just a quick piece here. I took the idea of third person and rewrote the original piece I produced back in April.

I have to agree with Ginab and Ing, the pieces work better in third person; however, in some ways I want the uncomfortable feeling that some people got from reading the first person piece, how it seemed to be almost non-fiction.

So, at present, I think we'll do both and see how it all pans out.

For future reference, this piece will be completely taken apart and done all over again. It's not a standalone item, so in some ways this rewrite is only to try something out and it is not an indication of how this work will finally end up!

Phew. Glad we cleared that up.

purplesimon out...

ginab said...

nice clarifications throughout the piece. the detail on the manager is strong, as ever. The details are often sharp in your work.

to nit...I would underline the starts of all the sentences (in blue) and then I would underline full sentences in a different color of ink. From there I would identify sentences that begin the same and also those which run about the same length. And then just like breaking for snooker, I'd break'em up. That's the next step...and yet I want more from this piece. LONGER. and then do the nit work. ;-)

somebody said 'snooker'?


PS: sorry anyone was bullied for parking in their right spot, by the way. was a little in fear for a sec. Seven months...two more! yowza!!!

purplesime said...

Yeah, that's me being lazy. You told me to take it apart, to start again, but I really wanted to see what it would be like in the third person. I like.

Now I promise to take your advice and start on this again. Thanks for caring enough to point it out!

purplesimon out...

ginab said...

Oh, but I was suggesting a next step (nothing more or less or anything).

Writing happens in stages. Believe me. I'm telling you the truth. Yes, some writers are lazy and then some are not, but alike: they'll write a piece in stages. So, big SIGH Si 'cause you're alright for not being lazy!

I like the full third too, as long as you do. Good to see you happy!;-)


ing said...

If it weren't for stages. . . But man, I WISH I could for once write something passable in two or three drafts!

purplesime said...


I know what you mean, I'm too self-deprecating at times. I do need to revise my work all the time. For once I'm working on this and it's exciting me. I think I'll be happy to edit this one, rewrite where necessary and add a few bits and bobs. Thanks for keeping on at me, please don't stop - I can be lazy if I don't have something to work towards. Sometimes fiction is a passing phase for me and I don't get around to coming back to things for such a long time that I've lost all the passion for it.


Don't we all wish that! Drafts can be good, unlike draughts which are not good at all.

purplesimon out...

ginab said...

your latest over to mine made me feel as though I should have said, related to eating dins so late at night, I should be in England! ;-)

And "me too" on needing and prefering to prepare dins over something for the microwave which I don't have.

But here I am to see YOU and not the other way around, except I have to dash. Picture time at work of all places!

And BE EASY ON YOURSELF!!!!! Over there in Kingston-upon-Avon!


PS: when is your birthday?

lryicsgrl said...

Oh...I never want to meet Jon....poor Nathan..I can almost smell Jon's gappy toothed breath...YUCK!
(that is a compliment, ya know?)

Your Birthday? Hope it's HAPPY!!!


purplesime said...

Although I've answered via email, best to say thanks again and I am being very easy on myself this week. All relaxing and not a lot else.

Sometimes I just have to kick back and do nothing. Well, I say nothing. I stupidly left my pad with the latest rewrite at an office. Won't get it back 'til then. Doh!


Too long since I went to your blog - how ya been? I'm on my way over just as soon as I made a cuppa.

Yes, you're glad you didn't meet Jon. If he was real, of course. Which he might be/have been. Loosely based on someone. Saying. No. More.

purplesimon out...

ginab said...

happy belated! gawd!

Of course it's grand to do nothing or to do 'whatever' with our time. absolutely!

Nice new profile picture! The face of a new father...soon!


purplesime said...

Thanks Ginab...

Also, don't tell anyone but I've made some minor edits. Get my pad back tomorrow so will be able to ressurect Nathan.

purplesimon out...