Thursday, June 14, 2007

The Next Path

Just because something blows you away it doesn't make you a lightweight. That's what Nathan told himself as he faced Bryan across the blackened grass that only hours before had held the flames of the campfire. There were words coming at him, head-on; spittle following, fists clenched and ready to come at him too. So Nathan shouted his thoughts, momentarily confusing Bryan and a crease to cut his angry face in two.
Nathan shut his eyes, expecting the punch, waiting for the feel of sweaty flesh and bony knuckles to split his skin, spill his blood. There was nothing, although he could hear Bryan’s laboured breathing, the stale breath making his stomach knot and churn, so he knew something was about to happen.
Squinting, Nathan opened one eye. Bryan was no longer in front of him, he was off to one side, hands limp at his side. Taking his place in front of Nathan was Katie. Just as he was about to speak, she cut him short with a slap. The sting, the redness that was more than embarrassment, the shock of it, all combined in one huge emotional burst and with a quick turn Nathan was running full pelt from the camp. Words rang after him: Don’t. Come. Back. Her voice.
Again, Nathan found himself the outcast.


purplesime said...

This is a teaser for the next instalment. It's just what I found scribbled on a piece of paper in my jacket pocket. If it hadn't rained today this might not have been posted. Enjoy.

purplesimon out...

ing said...

I like the one-eye-shut, the surprise when it opens. I like how things change in that way & keep moving. Cool!

Anonymous said...

Oh I am late to receive a new refrigerator. not fun, it's hot as fire out and MUGGY, and Beabs very reluctantly will want to trot.

it's no wonder I desire here to hide away!

I'll respond to your actual work here soon (tomorrow?). And otherwise I apologize for not saying hi'ya regular like and sooner.


purplesime said...

New fridge. Cool. Literally. Well, I hope so now.

When I moved back in May, we were left a fridge. So now I have a dedicated beer fridge - and wine too. The first time in my life I've had that privilege. Trouble is, I'm not drinking beer for a while, I'm abstaining in case I need to drive to the hospital.

Anyway, I'm going way off point.

You pop by as regular as you need or want. Always lovely to see you come by.

Anyway, I've added on, appended, attached and so on.

Soon I stitch together a new tapestry of words based around these small pieces. Soon.

I will.

I also have four more stories to look back on. It might inspire me. I hope it does.

purplesimon out...