Monday, April 11, 2005

What I've been doing these past two weeks

I have been rather busy these last couple of weeks.

Firstly, I have been working on a friend's website, which is adult toys! Erm, if you're under 18, I have to legally tell you not to visit this link. I know that you'll ignore me; so did I when I was your age, which is so long ago now it's being archived by the British Museum. For those of you wondering, that was 1990. Anyway, you can see my work here: nudge nudge.

Secondly, I have been busy working up some creative concept examples that I can send out to creative directors in the hope they will be impressed. You can let me know your opinion by viewing the PDF (4.8MB) here: Creative Portfolio. This link has been removed by the blog administrator.

As always, read, think, comment. You'll also need to add look to that list.

purplesimon out...

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