Monday, April 25, 2005

That was just for starters

A while back I wrote a novel called Somewhere in the City.

I think I've probably mentioned this before. You can't buy it and it'll never make any bestseller list. It's not great.

However, the original story idea was good and solid and generally the read was okay. It just needed some re-writing and so forth. Now I know I'm repeating myself, this has already been said.

Well, that's the first chapter. At least the third draft of it. It still might change; if you believe it should, let me know what you think doesn't work and it shall be done (as long as the suggestion isn't ridiculous).

The next "chapter" (and I use this word just to help you visualise how it might work) is underway and if I can get the chores done today I will try to get it finished. Don't panic, it will follow on.

The other thing you will need to know is this: once the novel is complete, instead of trying to get you to read it here, with my comments running through it, I will post it at a location on my personal Web page and pop a link on here.

So, read, think, comment. I'd be interested in your thoughts.

purplesimon out...

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