Thursday, August 04, 2005

An apology

I post up a weird story and then don't write anything for days, so you'd be forgiven if you thought I'd lost it and run off and painted myself with tar and rolled in feathers.

I haven't. Ever.

What I have been doing is rushing around London to interviews and securing some work for the next week or so. Hurrah.

The company is part of M&C Saatchi and is called Lida, which is pronounced L.E.E.D.A and is an amalgamation of the first two letters of the founders' first names. So the little book in the reception area told me.

The job is brilliant and the creative is good. I'm one of two copywriters on the job, one of whom works for the agency full-time. I'm looking forward to the opportunity and I am there to impress.

So, even though I have popped up some new stories, I probably won't be writing much for the coming week.

I apologise now.

If you're a newbie to my blog and want to read some stories, December was a good month, so take a look at that.

purplesimon out...


Hermes said...

Congratulations on your new position.

purplesime said...

I can tell you all that it's fun, but tiring. So much to do and only a week to do it!

purplesimon out...