Friday, May 13, 2005

Catching up on work

Things have gone slightly awry over the past few days. The posts have been highlighting things that, really, I shouldn’t be bothered about.

I’ve stopped contemplating motives, reconsidering posting to news stories and all that, but mainly I have had work to get done. Which is what I said I would be posting about.

So, what’s new on the work front?

I’ve been doing some nice things for a lovely new media company called Syzygy. Lovely people and some great creative work. Once it goes live, I’ll be posting up some links to the work.

I don’t want you to miss out.

Also this week, I have been sorting out my mother’s problems since she left hospital. Today is her birthday. Friday the 13th. I don’t think she can be superstitious now, she was born on a Friday anyway.

She seemed happy this morning, which is probably due to the fact that back in July of last year she didn’t think she’d be around to see this day. If we are all honest, none of us did. But, she is and for that I am glad.

I hope she’s around for the next birthday and the next birthday, etc.

purplesimon out...

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